
Now, along with Data Structures, OOPS too is an important part of the question which is frequently asked in amcat. Keep reading to get a sense of questions asked in AMCAT! These questions have been compiled by asking people individually who have taken amcat; I may not have all the correct options as depicted in the exams but atleast the questions are correct!

Q. Which of the following access specifies is used in a class definition by default?

A. Protected
B. Public
C. Private
D. Friend


Q. Which of the following type of data member can be shared by all instances of its class?

A. Public
B. Inherited
C. Static
D. Friend


Q. What makes a class abstract?

A. By making all member functions constant.
B. By making at least one member function as pure virtual function.
C. By declaring it abstract using the static keyword.
D. By declaring it abstract using the virtual keyword.


Q. Which of the following can be overloaded?

A. Object
B. Functions
C. Operators
D. Both B and C

Ans- D

Q. Which type of class allows only one object of it to be created?

A. Virtual class
B. Abstract class
C. Singleton class
D. Friend class

Ans-Singleton class

Q. Which of the following is not a type of constructor?

A. Friend Constructor
B. Copy Constructor
C. Default Constructor
D. Parameterized Constructor
Q. correct ways to access a class data member using this pointer?
Q. How many constructor is it possible to have for a class?
Q. How many instances of abstract class is it possible to create?
Q. Which of the following cannot be friend?
A. Function
B. Class
C. Object
D. Operator function
 Q. Which of the following concepts of OOPS means exposing only necessary information to client?

A. Encapsulation
B. Abstraction
C. Data hiding
D. Data binding


Q. By default, accessibility of the member of class is?
A. Public
B. Private
C. Protected
D. None of these
Q. How many types of polymorphism exists in C++?
Q. A constructor is called whenever a;
A. Object is declared
B. Object is created
C. A class is declared
D. A class is used
E. An object is created from another object
Q. Select valid statements regarding C structures and C++ classes
A. Structures do not support data hiding but classes do
B. Structures cannot have member functions while classes can
C. Data members by default, are private in structures and protected in case of classes
D. There are no access specifiers in case of structures but classes do
Ans-A, B, D
Q. Which type of inheritance needs a virtual function;
A. Multi level inheritance
B. Multiple inheritance
C. Hybrid inheritance
D. All of the above
Q. Which of the following cannot be inherited?
A. Friend function
B. Static function
C. Destructor

Q. Which of the following correctly describes overloading of functions?

A. Virtual polymorphism
B. Transient polymorphism
C. Ad-hoc polymorphism
D. Pseudo polymorphism


Q. Which of the following operator is overloaded for object cout?

A. >>
B. <<
C. +
D. =

Q. Which of the following operators cannot be overloaded?

A. []
B. ->
C. ?:
D. *


NOTE to the readers: Pls try n solve them or atleast try n search for them to research the underlying concepts. Just cramming the answers wont help!!!

Thank You for visiting my blog. Hope it helps in your preparation!


  1. Which of the following concepts of OOPS means exposing only necessary information to client?

    A. Encapsulation
    B. Abstraction
    C. Data hiding
    D. Data binding

    Ans-D this answer is wrong

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